Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lent Meal #1 - Surprisingly filling!

So, I'v made my first Lent meal tonight following the traditions of the 14th Century. These include the following:

~No Meat save for fish
~No Hard shelled fruits
~No animal products (such as cheese)
~1 Meal a day
~Fast on Friday

I was pretty good about following it during the day, and when I finally got home I was craving food. I wanted to try stay in period as well, avoiding things like potatoes/corn/food that wasn't known to Germany in the 14th century. What I came up with I was pretty happy with overall! Take a look below ;)

On the main plate I have a main dish of wild rice, broccoli and octopi bits seasoned to taste (salt, pepper, garlic, onion powder and olive oil). I have two rolls, simple bread rolls of yumminess to nom on between scoops of rice. In the bowl to the right is oatmeal with some peach pieces finely chopped, cooked with almond milk (which is pretty awesome, I'm just sayin'). To drink is a sweet tea and for dessert I have fresh blueberries and three pizzelle pieces!

The meal wasn't as satisfying as I would have wanted, but it was very filling. I am a meat eater at my core, lacking that taste of slightly undercooked flesh between my jaws means I failed to get as much pleasure from the meal as I would have liked. But, I still was full and feel comfortable and relaxed. So far meal #1 was a success!


  1. For a regular meat-eater, this meal might be too low in protein. More fish! Or shrimp, eel, crab... don;t forget that whale and dolphin were both considered fish in 14th century Europe, even though they're mammals.

    If you don't often eat vegan, see if your library has a copy of "Supermarket Vegan". Much of this great cookbook is available on google books:

    This is cool! Keep posting!

  2. Today I am definitely noticing the lack of protein, when I finally woke up I felt far more sluggish and heavy than I normally do.

    I'm not sure where I'll find whale or dolphin here in the US, but I am for sure gonna go invest in some more seafood tonight!
