Friday, August 12, 2011

IC: Death is a Strange Thing

Death was a lot more painful then she thought it would be.

The bullets, each one she felt rip through her body. Each spell triggered inside to do maximum damage to her internal organs, she felt every searing sensation in her nervous system. Her brain was the last thing to shut down, she could still see and hear and feel every last sensation of her physical death and fuck did it hurt.

At least, she thinks before her brain begins its shutdown process, I bought them time. That's what they would have wanted, right? Now they'll all live happily ever after...

Her vision becomes a haze of colors as her optical nerves fire their last stimulus. The pain fades, everything fades as her heart stops its beat and her lungs case the endless tide. Her brain is the last thing to go, but even it has a surprise for her.

Not yet. That singular phrase rattles around her mind and she struggles to piece it together as her brainstem finally shuts down.

But, death has a funny way of being painful. Such as the awkward crick in her spine and shooting pain in her right arm, or the dirty air filling her lungs. Can't I die in peace, she thought. She shifts in her grave while waving a weak arm in the direction of the annoying buzzing in her ears, surely the afterlife was supposed to be more pleasant than this?

"I said, not yet. Get up ya bag o' bones." A husky voice grunts as she feels a sharp feeling in her side, much akin to being kicked.

Elle Davenhurst opens her eyes in irritation, then blinks in confusion. She can't open her eyes, or hear anything or even breathe. She supposed to be dead...right? Her vision slowly sharpens and the vague grey blobs around her take a definitive shape. Drawing in a lungful of the dirty air once more, Elle slowly sits up and looks around at the dirty ally she finds herself in. "Sam...what the hell are you doing here? And why am I not dead?"

"I don't know suga', but I'm glad to see you alive." There's an obvious warmth as Sam holds out a hand to help Elle up then embraces her into a hug. There's a small cough behind them and a young man with scars covering most of his visible body does his best to look grizzled and experienced.

"Excuse me ma'am, but my name is First Spear Luke and I am the commander at arms here in this UA authorized mission. I'm under strict orders to detain and protect any stray Banishers we might find on our return trip to Orlando." He speaks plainly, but proudly.

Elle blinks, looking confused. Banisher, UA, First Spear? She stole a glance to Sam who shrugged. "I have no idea, he's under orders not to speak to me on the topic till we arrive for the 'offensive'."

"What offensive?" Elle shoots a glance at Luke warily.

"This is our first open assault on one of the Seers strongholds ma'am. UA members from around the globe are answering the call. The Battle for Hope Circle begins in 47 hours." Luke puffs out his chest, obvious full of pride and affection for the plan.

Elle steals a glance at Sam and raises an eyebrow. What had they gotten into now?

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